Saturday, March 2, 2013

Update of the Lately

Ok. So this is more than anything for a certain someone that is dying for me to post something new on my blog about what has been going lately.

I have been SUPER busy. Work got really busy and hectic as usual at the beginning of the year. Then, I spent Valentine's Day in Southeast Texas and in Lake Charles, Louisiana with my girlfriend. On top of all that, we have been having serious revival!

For so long, we had about 35 consistent in church each service. We would get into the high 40s but never break 50. That was until a couple weeks ago. We went from 35 to 48 to 53 in like one week! And to top it off, the next few services after, we CONTINUED to break 50 and even past 60 a couple times. God is moving!! We baptized 5 last week in Jesus name. And we got 75 in our sights!

So. It's 2:30am and I should be asleep and believe me, I AM going to sleep here in a couple minutes but I want to update curtains Oakies about what's been happening for Landmark Apostolic Church in Phoenix, AZ! (BTW. I may have to wait till Summer Heritage to get the preaching from Winter Heritage of Bishop Howard. So, Kristen, be easy of Brittany. She's got her own Texan keeping her busy these days ;) lol)

Until the next post...probably a year from now lol


  1. Well it's about time!! I thought you had fallen off the face of the earth or something. Awesome to hear about revival! That's always wonderful news to hear!
    I have not forgotten your cd. It is in the making...promise!;) And hey now...Texas is always bigger and badder than of course my Texan is bigger and badder than everybody!:) *or so he thinks*:):) So. Of course he keeps me busy:)

    Nice should post note often. Until next time

  2. And've got a picture of you and a girl on the post above. And a pic of you and and another girl on the side....what's up with that?? We are not living in the Bible days!!:)

  3. Ms. Copeland. You can save my cd for when I see y'all at summer Heritage lol

    I think the Texas thing is just that Texans have bigger egos so they think everything is bigger and better. I myself am partial to Arizona cowboys.

    Oh and btw. Lol the girl above is my girlfriend. The one on the right is my baby sister. :) I'm a one woman man. (For the ego) I can only handle on girl especially a Texan lady.

  4. Nice post! Good to hear stuff like this, it's exciting to know!!

    As for Texas...what can you say when a Texan can't find someone in their own state that they have to steal fine people from other states??? Maybe, just maybe, it's not all it's made out to be. Just a theory. =) =)

    Thanks for the update!
